SPLAT - Forgot Standard Password

SecurePlatform Administrator password (Standard mode) lost Cannot reboot SecurePlatform to Standard mode ??

Note: Following steps are not used for recovering "Expert Password"


Maintenance mode should be used in rare system emergencies, such as when there is a problem rebooting the system, or the standard Administrator password is lost.

To reboot in this mode:

1) Select “SecurePlatform with Application Intelligence [Maintenance Mode]” at the boot-loader screen, after SecurePlatform reboots.

2) Enter Expert password.

The Maintenance Mode boot option in SecurePlatform is known on UNIX systems as “single-user mode”. In this mode, SecurePlatform boots to runlevel 1. The local file systems will be mounted, but the network will not be activated. The SecurePlatform Administrator can have an usable system-maintenance shell.

In Maintenance mode, the Administrator password can be reset as follows:

1) At the bash shell prompt, type "passwd ":

sh-2.05#passwd newadmin (The name 'newadmin' is an example).
Changing password for user newadmin
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:

The message "passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully" appears.

2) After the new Administrator password is reset, reboot the SecurePlatform machine (as follows), and log in to Standard mode using the new password:


3) When the boot-loader menu appears, select the default option.

4) Enter Administrator name and new password to log in to Standard mode.


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