Checkpoint commands generally come under, | |
cp - general | |
fw - firewall | |
fwm - management | |
CP, FW & FWM Commands | |
cphaprob stat | List cluster status |
cphaprob -a if | List status of interfaces |
cphaprob syncstat | shows the sync status |
cphaprob list | Shows a status in list form |
cphastart/stop | Stops clustering on the specfic node |
cp_conf sic | SIC stuff |
cpconfig | config util |
cplic print | prints the license |
cprestart | Restarts all Checkpoint Services |
cpstart | Starts all Checkpoint Services |
cpstop | Stops all Checkpoint Services |
cpstop -fwflag -proc | Stops all checkpoint Services but keeps policy active in kernel |
cpwd_admin list | List checkpoint processes |
cplic print | Print all the licensing information. |
cpstat -f all polsrv | Show VPN Policy Server Stats |
cpstat | Shows the status of the firewall |
fw tab -t sam_blocked_ips | Block IPS via SmartTracker |
fw tab -t connections -s | Show connection stats |
fw tab -t connections -f | Show connections with IP instead of HEX |
fw tab -t fwx_alloc -f | Show fwx_alloc with IP instead of HEX |
fw tab -t peers_count -s | Shows VPN stats |
fw tab -t userc_users -s | Shows VPN stats |
fw checklic | Check license details |
fw ctl get int [global kernel parameter] | Shows the current value of a global kernel parameter |
fw ctl set int [global kernel parameter] [value] | Sets the current value of a global keneral parameter. Only Temp ; Cleared after reboot. |
fw ctl arp | Shows arp table |
fw ctl install | Install hosts internal interfaces |
fw ctl ip_forwarding | Control IP forwarding |
fw ctl pstat | System Resource stats |
fw ctl uninstall | Uninstall hosts internal interfaces |
fw exportlog .o | Export current log file to ascii file |
fw fetch | Fetch security policy and install |
fw fetch localhost | Installs (on gateway) the last installed policy. |
fw hastat | Shows Cluster statistics |
fw lichosts | Display protected hosts |
fw log -f | Tail the current log file |
fw log -s -e | Retrieve logs between times |
fw logswitch | Rotate current log file |
fw lslogs | Display remote machine log-file list |
fw monitor | Packet sniffer |
fw printlic -p | Print current Firewall modules |
fw printlic | Print current license details |
fw putkey | Install authenication key onto host |
fw stat -l | Long stat list, shows which policies are installed |
fw stat -s | Short stat list, shows which policies are installed |
fw unloadlocal | Unload policy |
fw ver -k | Returns version, patch info and Kernal info |
fwstart | Starts the firewall |
fwstop | Stop the firewall |
fwm lock_admin -v | View locked admin accounts |
fwm dbexport -f user.txt | used to export users , can also use dbimport |
fwm_start | starts the management processes |
fwm -p | Print a list of Admin users |
fwm -a | Adds an Admin |
fwm -r | Delete an administrator |
Provider 1 | |
mdsenv [cma name] | Sets the mds environment |
mcd | Changes your directory to that of the environment. |
mds_setup | To setup MDS Servers |
mdsconfig | Alternative to cpconfig for MDS servers |
mdsstat | To see the processes status |
mdsstart_customer [cma name] | To start cma |
mdsstop_customer [cma name] | To stop cma |
cma_migrate | To migrate an Smart center server to CMA |
cmamigrate_assist | If you dont want to go through the pain of tar/zip/ftp and if you wish to enable FTP on Smart center server |
VPN | |
vpn tu | VPN utility, allows you to rekey vpn |
vpn ipafile_check ipassignment.conf detail | Verifies the ipassignment.conf file |
dtps lic | show desktop policy license status |
cpstat -f all polsrv | show status of the dtps |
vpn shell /tunnels/delete/IKE/peer/[peer ip] | delete IKE SA |
vpn shell /tunnels/delete/IPsec/peer/[peer ip] | delete Phase 2 SA |
vpn shell /show/tunnels/ike/peer/[peer ip] | show IKE SA |
vpn shell /show/tunnels/ipsec/peer/[peer ip] | show Phase 2 SA |
vpn shell show interface detailed [VTI name] | show VTI detail |
Debugging | |
fw ctl zdebug drop | shows dropped packets in realtime / gives reason for drop |
SPLAT Only | |
router | Enters router mode for use on Secure Platform Pro for advanced routing options |
patch add cd | Allows you to mount an iso and upgrade your checkpoint software (SPLAT Only) |
backup | Allows you to preform a system operating system backup |
restore | Allows you to restore your backup |
snapshot | Performs a system backup which includes all Checkpoint binaries. Note : This issues a cpstop. |
VSX | |
vsx get [vsys name/id] | get the current context |
vsx set [vsys name/id] | set your context |
fw -vs [vsys id] getifs | show the interfaces for a virtual device |
fw vsx stat -l | shows a list of the virtual devices and installed policies |
fw vsx stat -v | shows a list of the virtual devices and installed policies (verbose) |
reset_gw | resets the gateway, clearing all previous virtual devices and settings. |
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Checkpoint - Commands
5/18/2010 07:14:00 AM
Posted by MK | Filed Under Commands | 0 Comments
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